Current Research
Sex Steroid Receptor Distribution Across Lemur Brains in Relation to Social Dominance
Eulemur as a primate model for oxytocin system evolution and function
Exploring the role of hormones in structuring lemur epithelial microbiomes and olfactory signals
Investigating the effects of antibiotics on lemur olfactory signals, microbiomes, and health
Characterizing gut microbiome structure in captive and wild ring-tailed lemurs living along a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance
Examining antimicrobial resistance and gut microbiome structure in relation to lemur health
On-going & completed research
- Comparative studies on the composition of chemical signals in primates
- Comparative behavior and neuro-endrocrinology of the genus Eulemur
- Olfactory communication in ring-tailed lemurs & Coquerel's sifakas relative to social and reproductive factors
- The genetic diversity of several immune-function genes in captive and wild ring-tailed lemurs
- Olfactory signals of injury and health in ring-tailed lemurs
- Bacteria as mediators of olfactory communication in ring-tailed lemurs
- Neuro-endocrine and behavioral mechanisms of female dominance and reproductive skew in wild meerkats
- Eco-immunology and the impact of androgens in wild meerkats
- Ontogeny of olfactory signatures and microbial communities in meerkats
- Investigating the expression of female dominance, masculinization, and aggression in spotted hyenas
- Relating urinary volatile compounds to hormone profiles in binturongs (completed)
- Relating variation in olfactory signals to scent-gland bacteria in ring-tailed lemurs (completed)
- Determining the influence of diet quality on gut bacteria and health in captive and wild lemurs (completed)
Representative Publications
See Christine Drea's Google Scholar profile for an up-to-date list of our publications
Media Coverage
Lab news! ArchiveDecember 2018